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Dermatitis atopic dog natural treatment Will How To Cure

  • Elicats 
Dermatitis atopic dog

If you can read the whole article without distracting yourself, I assure you that it could also be the last one you will read about “Atopic dermatitis in the dog How to cure it” and “How to cure atopic dermatitis in the dog and natural remedies”, then you will be able to tell me 😉 …..if you don’t have time, postpone the reading to another moment!

Atopic dermatitis of the dog, I know one of the worst skin diseases that a dog can have, you have tried everything, crunchy and pet-specific food, diet excluding, cortisone, supplements, but the dog continues to get worse, you have proposed the cyclosporine, but you know what are the side effects? how long can Fido last with atopic dermatitis? see it get sick and scratch continuously is a pain. 🙁

So what to do, how to reduce itching and help your dog live a happier life?

First of all, the remedies and nutraceuticals that you will read in this article (many for human use) should always be discussed with your vet, because some substances may interfere with drugs and/or act on the immune system or not be suitable when your dog has other diseases.

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Atopic dermatitis in dogs How to treat it and how it manifests itself

Types of dermatitis in dogs

Will How To Cure Atopic Dermatitis In The Dog

Atopic dermatitis in dogs is an inflammatory disease and is one of the most common causes of chronic itching for dogs. Atopic dermatitis is caused by an allergic reaction (hypersensitivity) to one or more environmental substances.

Atopic dermatitis in dogs Why does it develop?

A combination of factors predisposes dogs to atopic dermatitis, there is a genetic component + environmental allergens and not least an inappropriate immune reaction.

What allergens are responsible for atopic dermatitis in dogs?

  • Anemophilic pollen mainly birch and cypress
  • Grass pollen
  • Herbaceous pollen (e.g. plantain and mugwort, parietaria)
  • Aeroallergens: Dust mites (The most allergenic in dogs is Dermatophagoides farinae, Dermatophagoides spp. followed by D. pteronyssinus and D. microcera and Euroglyphus maynei)
  • Moulds
  • Food mites
  • Cockroach mites
  • Food allergens: beef, chicken, lamb, egg, dairy products and soybean
  • Cigarette smoke and environmental pollution

What are the symptoms of atopic dermatitis in dogs?

The symptoms begin in the early years (1-5 years), dogs with atopic dermatitis have intense itching more on the face and legs, other parts of the body may have very red areas (armpits, groin area, abdomen) and wet or damaged due to scratches or intense chewing, the ears may present inflammation with recurrent infections, the dog may also have rhinitis or conjunctivitis and seasonal dermatitis as happens in human. Secondary lesions are: erythema, abrasions, alopecia and hyperpigmentation.

To summarize: the dog with atopic dermatitis has: itching erythema, secondary infections such as otitis, conjunctivitis, pyoderma, abrasions, alopecia, reddish coloring of the hair, hyperpigmentation.

Which breeds are predisposed and most at risk of developing canine dermatitis?

  • Boxer
  • Shih Tzu
  • Bullterrier
  • Chow Chow
  • Fox terrier
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • French bulldog
  • German Sheperd
  • Golden retriever
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Shar Pei

What are the drugs to treat atopic dermatitis in dogs?

The drugs to treat atopic dermatitis in dogs are cortisone, cyclosporine, Apoquel, antihistamines and the new biological drug Cytopoint a monoclonal antibody (lokivetmab) specifically active against interleukin-31 canine.

Can atopic dog dermatitis be treated with cortisone?

Cortisone is not a drug that cures atopic dermatitis in dogs, acts by removing itching and has many side effects, it is indicated in dogs without ongoing infections, it is preferable to administer it orally and its use should only be for short periods because it suppresses the immune system opening the way to other infections. This is why it is important to choose natural alternatives to cortisone such as Ribes Nigrum, Reishi and Ginger and other remedies that we will see later.

Cyclosporine for atopic dog dermatitis

Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant, reduces inflammation and itching associated with atopic dermatitis, inhibits the production of IL-2, IL-4 and other cytokines and can inhibit both the response of T lymphocytes and the response of B lymphocytes. Symptoms may reappear when treatment is discontinued. CYCLOSPORINE CONTRAINDICATIONS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS ON A DEDICATED PAGE.

APOQUEL Oclacitinib

Oclacitinib is a Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor that provides rapid relief from itching in dogs and reduces inflammation.
Oclacitinib can increase susceptibility to infection and aggravate neoplastic conditions, therefore dogs treated with APOQUEL should be monitored for possible onset of infection and tumors. Adverse reactions: diarrhoea, vomiting, anorexia, new skin or subcutaneous nodules, lethargy and polydipsia, pyoderma, non-specific skin nodules, otitis, histiocytoma, cystitis, skin mycosis, pododermatitis, lipoma, lymphadenopathy, nausea, increased appetite and aggression.


Their effectiveness is very variable. The most used antihistamines are diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, chlorfeniramine and trimeprazine, should be administered as preventive drugs, so every day before histamine is released, dogs with atopic dermatitis and mild itching respond more and better than dogs with atopic dermatitis for years.

Now that you know which drugs are used in case of atopic dermatitis of the dog, we begin to talk about complementary therapies and targeted supplements, even if you can not avoid the drugs altogether, with the natural treatments and targeted with the right supplements you can reduce the administration of drugs and in many cases even suspended.

This list is exclusively the result of personal studies,

research and experience owned by the site

Atopic dermatitis dogs natural treatment

From Phytopica to Itch Support Gold passing through traditional Chinese medicine

Unfortunately I have the bad habit of doing very thorough research 🙂 that can last hours, many hours sometimes days … 😯

During the writing of this article I come across scientific studies related to a supplement (PYM00217) marketed years ago (2006) that promised rapid relief from itching in case of canine atopic dermatitis, searching and probing the web of the product there is no trace, the results always return the same message: “Product not available” or worse still “Page not found”. So what should I do? I go upstream! the manufacturer and / or the company that was to market the product, respectively Phytopharm who was to launch the product in Hong Kong, and Schering-Plough Animal Health for global marketing. Even in this case little information, Arghh … but since I hardly “throw in the towel” active a second search: What is the composition? WHAT WERE THE CHINESE HERBS contained in Phytopica? I reach the results after about 2 hours! and here are the Chinese herbs contained in Phytopica, in order:

Glycyrrhisa uralensis, Peonia lactiflora and Rehmania glutinosa plants with immunomodulating properties

Glycirrhisa enhances the expression of cytokine IL-10 inhibits cytochrome p450 (cytochrome P450 is a family of enzymes involved in the matabolism of different drugs. Through these enzymes there are phenomena of interaction that can give rise to drug toxicity or reduce the therapeutic effectiveness of drugs.) induces the apoptosis of cancer cells, has antioxidant and antibacterial activity.

R. glutinosa inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as the tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and IL-1 and suppresses histamine.

P. lactiflora inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX) and induces apoptosis of tumor cells.

If Phytopica is no longer available, what supplement can be safely administered to a dog suffering from intense itching?

Do we have any Chinese herbs? 🙂

YES! The supplement Itch Support Gold helps us, as well as having the three herbs mentioned above contained in Phytopica contains the astragalus (one of the most popular adaptogens) plus other Chinese roots. Please read the instructions on their website to print or email to your vet. Two formulations are available for purchase:

1. only for the dog (large size)

2. for the dog and cat


Remaining always in the EAST #4 special mushroom, medicinal mushrooms to support against canine atopic dermatitis

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum or immortality fungus): it is an anti-inflammatory comparable to cortisone together with Agaricus it helps to balance the Th1/Th2 balance of the immune system.

Agaricus blazei has a powerful action on the immune system thanks to polysaccharides and proteoglycans that modulate the immune response and activate the complement. Recently it has been shown that oral administration of the extract has anti-allergic properties by alleviating allergic symptoms (dermatitis) and decreasing the content of serum IgE.

Canine atopic dermatitis immunotherapeutic

Immunomodulating and antimicrobial action of Cordyceps

Cordyceps sinensis, possesses a large quantity of high molecular weight polysaccharides (especially beta-glucans) which have an important immunomodulating action. The polysaccharides contained in Cordyceps increase phagocytic activity; moreover, by binding to specific membrane receptors located on the surface of antigen presentation cells (macrophages, etc.) and natural killer cells, they stimulate the production of specific cytokines depending on the stimulus; in other words, they strengthen and accelerate the non-specific immune response, making it more effective.

The best Cordyceps is Pure Cordyceps Aloha!

Cordyceps is the only remedy present in nature that has substances called nucleosides with an anti-replicative activity against microorganisms and cancer cells: these substances, once incorporated into the DNA of microorganisms or cancer cells, damages it and prevents its survival.

Studies confirm that oral administration of cordyceps has decreased the duration of itching and serum levels of histamine and immunoglobulin E, and attenuated clinical symptoms. It also reduced stromal thymic lymphopoietin (TSLP), interleukin IL-4, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor levels. Studies show that Cordicepine improves the symptoms of allergic diseases and dermatitis.

Poria Cocos

It is rich in bioactive molecules, in TCM and Japanese tradition Kampo is often found associated with plants in formulas for health promotion with broad spectrum of application, useful against fluid retention, ascites, leukemia, carcinoma, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and arthritis. In-depth analysis with references and studies by Poria Cocos.

Returning to Italy! the importance of homotoxicological drainage

Atopic dermatitis in dogs How to treat it with homeopathy and homotoxicological drainage

In the presence of canine atopic dermatitis it is important to structure a therapeutic plan DETOX (binding histamine with montmorrillonite) AND DRENING. It is not a secondary choice but I would say mandatory, in this case it is possible to use homotoxicological drainage with Galium-Heel and Lymphomyosot to drain the connective homotoxin overload. In homeopathy we can certainly refer with excellent results to SULFUR (essential trace element as it intervenes in many enzymatic processes of primary importance because it causes the reactivation of many cytoplasmic reactions), Arsenicum album, Arnica Montana (anti-inflammatory activity).

Galium-Heel exerts its primary action on the connective matrix and is a connective cleanser capable of promoting the elimination of waste. Galium Heel Drops: Composition, Posology and Side Effects

The immune system and the Th1/Th2 balance


the atopic dog shows an immune response mediated by IgE, this particularity is due to a deviation of the immune cellular response of type Th2, (in allergic diseases and dermatitis prevails the inflammatory response Th2). Hyperactivity of Th2 lymphocytes increases the production of IL-3, IL-4 (stimulates B lymphocytes to produce IgE), IL-5 (is superabundant in atopic diseases and asthma), IL-6 interleukins, therefore a response mediated by Th1 lymphocytes would decrease hypersensitivity to allergic and autoimmune diseases including atopic dermatitis.

All so simple but….

Comparing canine atopic dermatitis with DA in humans, several studies have shown that the biphasic response in the production of cytokines in humans can also be found and reported in dogs. This means that acute lesions are characterized by the presence of Th2 lymphocytes and by the interleukins and cytokines they secrete, some of them are: IL-4 (one of the predominant cytokines in inflamed atopic skin) and interleukin IL-5. In the presence of chronic lesions, Th-1 lymphocytes predominate, producing IL-2 interleukin and gamma interferon. This mode of lymphocyte change is commanded by some cells called IDEC (inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells).

Inflammatory dendritic epidermal cells – inflammatory epidermal dendritic cells (CDIE)

Langerhans cells are abundant dendritic cells in the skin and in some mucous membranes. Together with the dendritic cells of the dermis and the skin macrophages they form part of SALT (Skin Associated Lymphoid Tissue).

In atopic dermatitis the most involved cells are: T lymphocytes, Langerhans cells, endothelial cells, eosinophils and keratinocytes. Langerhans cells and skin cells have the task of inducing the immune response by presenting the antigen to T lymphocytes, thus activating a lymphocyte response to both new and already recognized antigens, so dendritic cells have a pivotal role in the development of the immune reaction.

Since the immune response is variable, we can summarize that:

A dog with atopic dermatitis + acute lesions has an immune response of type 2 (Th2) with production of IL-4 and IL-5 interleukins.

A dog with atopic dermatitis + chronic lesions has an immune response of type 1 (Th1) with production of interleukin IL-2 and gamma interferon.


Is it possible to correct the excess or defect and the production of interleukins?
Is it possible to modulate the immune response TH1/TH2?
Is it possible to modulate the abnormal Th2 response to allergens?
Is it possible to improve and strengthen the skin barrier (CUTANEUM IMMUNITARY SYSTEM) and normalize the lipid structure?

Particular natural molecules at low dosages, prepared with Guna technology (SKA METHOD) are able to intervene in allergic manifestations.

SKA METHOD (Sequential Kinetic Activation) AND LOW DOSE MEDICINE

In human medicine it has been demonstrated that the low dose medicine represents an alternative and valid solution for allergy sufferers and to rebalance the balance Th1-Th2, the cytokines administered orally can also help the atopic dog (being information and studies in human always informed with the veterinarian. 😉 J

Low-dose cytokines, homeopathic medicine

GUNA® Interleukin 12 (IL-12) 4CH – the anti-allergic cytokine, inhibits IL-4-induced IgE synthesis and may therefore be useful in allergic diseases, as IL-12 is antagonistic to IL-4 interleukin.

GUNA® Interferon Gamma 4CH is the cytokine that regulates the immune system and is also anti-allergic, regulates and counteracts allergic responses mediated by Th2 lymphocytes.

Both are available in pharmacies and are in drops. For temporary relief of skin irritation symptoms such as: itching, dryness, hypersensitivity, you can always evaluate in agreement with your vet: Guna – Dermo.



Engystol in the dog is indicated for the prevention and treatment of allergies, allows you to rebalance the balance Th1-Th2.

How can i treat my dogs dermatitis at home

Omega 3 fatty acids help but as a prevention

Omega-3 help to keep your skin healthy: they are administered as a prevention and to avoid recurrences, especially when dermatitis is seasonal.


RIBES NIGRUM for atopic dog dermatitis

As we have written in other articles, Ribes Nigrum has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, promotes the production of cortisol, essential to combat allergies and inflammation, is considered a natural cortisone. Currants, now known by all, are a valid alternative to cortisone. It is recommended to buy nigrum currant gemmoderivato without alcohol. Blackcurrant is useful both in localized and systemic allergic diseases and in acute and chronic processes flogistici. The marked anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action is due to the ability of Blackcurrant to reduce the number of cells (macrophages) involved in inflammatory processes. For an enhanced effect always add borage oil, I also recommend coconut oil.


Ginger is a very ancient spice of the Indian and Chinese pharmacopoeias, esteemed for thousands of years in the Ayurvedic tradition and long used in Europe. The most interesting action of ginger is to be attributed to its strong anti-inflammatory properties as reported in the article Properties ginger in dogs and cats the natural anti-inflammatory. In case of disease, ginger is consilgiato tablets or this formulation without alcohol for the dog.

Blackcurrants and ginger are able to modulate the immune response to external agents and to assist the body in case of allergies.

Barley grass

Supports skin and hair in case of chronic dermatitis, thanks to P4-D1 is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. Barley grass an excellent product free of gluten and sugars is the 100% organic, gluten-free, sugar-free, lactose-free barley grass juice powder, hydrogenated fats, yeasts, preservatives and additives.

Therapeutic effectiveness of Aloe in atopic dogs

The main characteristic of Aloe is its immunomodulating action, which favours the activation of the body’s natural defences, stimulating and strengthening the immune system. Other products on the market, I recommend Aloeplus products for dogs syrup in the presence of skin inflammations and dermatias.

Alga Klamath



Modulates the action of numerous enzymes involved in inflammatory responses, blocking the release of mediators, such as histamine, from mast cells and basophils.


It is mainly used in case of skin problems, dermoprotective and dermopurifying. For its properties, it can be employed in case of mycosis, eczema, dermatitis. The total extract of burdock Bioalma, alcohol-free, pleasant, effective and of practical assumption, just a few drops are sufficient, even directly in the mouth, and can be added to the pet-food. I remember that this herb is contained in the ESSIAC. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, synthetic hypoglycemic agents are used to inform the vet, it can cause allergies especially in subjects sensitive to composites.


PEA is a natural pain-reliever and anti-inflammatory, with no side effects, and is an anti-itching agent. PEA is an aliamide, aliamides exert a local antagonistic action against inflammation, modulating mastocyte reactivity. The products containing PEA are Redonyl and Retopix.

Specific supplement for dog and cat with collagen and hyaluronic acid

Collagen: forms part of the structures of the dermis, as its composition includes all the essential amino acids of the skin. Hyaluronic Acid: it forms part of the skin tissue. It also has a synergistic effect with collagen to replenish skin tissue. Vitamin C: contributes to the formation of collagen for normal skin function.


Helps maintain the skin in normal conditions. Vitamin C and Zinc help protect cells from free radicals that come from cellular oxidation and cause skin aging. Therefore, the product is ideal for keeping the skin in normal condition. It plays a key role in maintaining healthy, supple and hydrated skin.


Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, reduces plasma levels of IgE (essential)


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