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Natural Remedies for Gastritis in Cats Dog BEST Remedies

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Gastritis in the cat and dog is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, it can cause a series of gastrointestinal symptoms common to other pathologies, such as: vomiting, intense abdominal pain, lack of appetite, weakness and lethargy Vomiting is very often foamy or with presence of digested or bile blood.
acute gastritis that can occur suddenly, after eating or ingesting toxic substances or spoiled food, due to a drug therapy such as antibiotics, NSAIDs, corticosteroids.

chronic gastritis (persistent vomiting for more than 7 days) is generally associated with food allergies or intolerances, IBD colitis, alteration of bacterial flora, tumors or alimentary lymphoma.

What causes gastritis in cats?

The multiple and different causes, from the ingestion of food or pet food not perfectly preserved with toxins and bacteria, to the presence of a foreign body with consequent intestinal blockage, and also a neurological problem and not ultimately a systemic disease such as insufficiency chronic kidney disease. Gastritis can affect cats of all breeds and of all ages.


Food toxins or pet food contaminated with bacteria and toxins
Rat poison
Hairballs (possible intestinal obstruction attention)
Drugs (NSAIDs – antibiotics – corticosteroids)
Food allergy
Bacteria (Helicobacter spp)


Chronic renal failure





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What can I give my cat for acid reflux?

  • Sudden and infrequent vomiting
  • Lack of appetite that lasts a few hours
  • Intense thirst
  • Continuous vomiting for a few hours, or max 2/3 days – usually caused by the administration of drugs or toxic substances
  • In the presence of vomiting and / or excessive diarrhea
  • salivation we must urgently go to the vet

How do you treat gastritis in cats?


Do not leave water available, the cat suffering from gastritis tends to drink a lot to get vomiting, my advice is to dose the fluids by mouth using a syringe without needle, offer you the water to the cat dosing it well, must drink often but few amounts.

What can I give my cat for indigestion?

Rationing food and water, fasting is often recommended for 6/8 hours.
If the cat has several episodes of diarrhea, supplemented with probiotics and assessing the state of dehydration, some subcutaneous drips may be necessary, more attention to puppies and older cats.

Cat Fasting Gastritis!

Gastritis cat wet food

Food for the cat in case of gastritis must be very digestible and cooked by you (beef or chicken boiled in mousse without salt), baby foods are essential (I always bought the Hipp baby foods, they are gluten-free, without onion and with very little salt.
If you offer pet-food try ALWAYS to prefer the moist to the croquettes (inflam the gastric wall, even the medicated ones)
Follow the vet’s advice carefully and continue feeding your cat with very digestible food.
In addition to using the drugs prescribed for gastritis, it is possible to combine alternative remedies, we have homeopathy, homotoxicology and more.

How do you treat gastroenteritis in cats?

Ranitidine for cats

News from the end of September 2019: STOP Aifa for Buscopan Antiacido lots, Zantac, Ranidil

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting health care professionals and patients to a voluntary recall of over-the-counter (OTC) ranitidine tablets (75 mg and 150 mg), labeled by Walgreens, Walmart, and Rite-Aid and manufactured by Apotex Corp. These medicines may contain low levels of a nitrosamine impurity called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). Consumers taking OTC ranitidine, which is used to prevent and relieve heartburn associated with acid ingestion and sour stomach, may consider using other OTC products approved for their condition.

On a dedicated page, an article dedicated to the alternative Ranidil Ranitidina cat dog
Zantadine Ranitidine cat dog Discover Natural Solutions?

In POST I describe the best remedies, the same ones I use for myself and my little friends … from the MSM, Arsenicum, Olmo etc I would say..and then the functional ones like the GASTROPHIT, PEKANA, IGEAKOS and the Homeopathy of Resonance (FMS)

Blackcurrant Leaf Ribes nigrum Full Spectrum Non Alcoholic Tincture

  • Non Alcoholic
  • Supplied In Glass Bottles
  • 90% Of Herbs Used Are Organic

Ribes nigrum Blackcurrant alchol-free in the presence of inflammatory processes; protects the mucous membranes.



Thanks to the mucilages the red elm improves the symptoms and in case of gastritis in the elderly cat suffering from chronic renal failure is an excellent remedy for both diseases.

Turmeric cat dog

Anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective properties, useful for gastric and hepatic disorders. ADDRESS TO BUYERS EXCLUSIVELY BIOAVAILABLE


the sweet antibiotic discover all the properties of honey, a sweet remedy for our animals.


Aloe Vera can help counteract the symptoms of some forms of gastritis (burning, acidity and heaviness of the stomach, nausea, acts as a gastrointestinal tonic and as a gastroprotector. Aloe vera novelty in tablets to open and add to pet-food!

Gastritis cat dog mycotherapy


Very rare and delicious mushroom in Asia is called “monkey head”. Its therapeutic effects are most prevalent in the gastric mucosa.

Changes in mucosal permeability

In the course of intestinal diseases including gastritis, the mucosal permeability increases and causes vomiting and diarrhea, in a healthy condition we have a normal intestinal permeability, while in the course of various intestinal and extra intestinal diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, the syndrome of irritable bowel, we have a greater intestinal permeability, dry foods rich in toxins increase the permeability of the intestine, therefore it is important to immediately change diet and supplement with mycotherapy. Studies have shown that pre-treatment with Hericium extract protects the gastric mucosa and inhibits the infiltration of leukocytes from the gastric wall. Leukocytes, in particular neutrophils, are a major source of inflammatory mediators and can release ROS such as superoxide oxidants, hydrogen peroxide and myeloperoxidase. These ROS are highly cytotoxic and can induce damage to the gastric mucosa. (Wong, Jing-Yang, et al. “Gastroprotective effects of Lion’s Man’s mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull .: Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae) extract against ethanol-induced ulcer in rats.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013 ( 2013).

Also called “Lion’s mane” (lion’s mane) or “Monkey’s mushroom” (monkey mushroom), Hericium has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, it is traditionally used for all gastric problems but also to promote the maintenance of normal cognitive functions.

Remedy homeopathic for gastritis cat dogs

#10 Remedy homeopathic

NUX-VOMICA for dog and cat

Acute and chronic gastritis, spasms, heartburn, also acts by absorbing toxins thanks to Carbo vegetabilis


To regulate gastrointestinal function, an extremely important remedy for gastric mucosa in the presence or absence of an ulcer.


Specific in gastroenteritis, violent diarrhea, collapse; it should be used when diarrhea has been going on for several days. Otherwise it is preferable to use TORMENTILLA HEEL

Argentum nitricum: gastritis and gastric ulcer. Gastroesophageal reflux. Aerofagia with burning eructations immediately after meals. Gastric swelling. Acid regurgitation.
Lycopodium clavatum: dyspeptic syndrome with gastric pain in patients with disorders of the hepatic sphere. Pyrosis and acid eructations associated with voracious hunger. Marked gastric swelling associated with intense meteorism.

Chelidonium majus Boiron gastric pain in patients with liver disorders improved by belching, hot food and drinks and aggravated by the slightest movement.

Anacardium orientale: gastralgia on a dystonic basis with cramps and gastric spasms. Nausea and vomiting and headache. Slow and difficult digestion with a feeling of fullness and expansion. Eructations, nausea and vomiting. Eating relieves dyspepsia.

Kalium bichromicum: gastric cramp-like and stabbing pains that radiate behind the shoulders. Gastric acidity with eructations and vomiting. Gastric and duodenal ulcers.


When the animal eats to fill the feeling of empty stomach, Phosphorus is indicated in the presence of voracious hunger.


recommended for animals suffering from gastritis accompanied by swollen abdomen with slow digestion

Arsenicum album:  (I love this remedies) violent and burning gastritis aggravated by solid and liquid foods. Intense thirst for cold water. Swollen abdomen. Diarrhea. He retched.

Arsenicum Album

Oralade GI

Sepecially designed to help replenish lost fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients following diarrhoea or vomiting Highly palatable encourages fluid intake even when nauseous
Zero contra indications suitable for all breeds





Disclaimer: The contents are for informational purposes only and under no circumstances may they constitute a prescription for treatment or replace the specialist examination or the direct relationship with one’s veterinarian/medical practitioner.  All the information reported here is derived from Bibliographic Sources, Personal Experience and Public Domain Clinical Studies. All information on special diets and dietary supplements for pets is for information purposes only. This information serves as a general guideline, cannot be applied to all pets or considered as an alternative to professional advice

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